Saturday, January 28, 2017

"Valentine days History "

Every February 14, across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint, and where did these traditions come from? Find out about the history of this centuries-old holiday, from ancient Roman rituals to the customs of Victorian England.


You Know what a surprise information 

V-day gift card 

While some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death or burial–which probably occurred around A.D. 270–others claim that the Christian church may have decided to place St. Valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.
Valentine day flower is necessary
 To begin the festival, members of the Luperci, an order of Roman priests, would gather at a sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or lupa. The priests would sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification. They would then strip the goat’s hide into strips, dip them into the sacrificial blood and take to the streets, gently slapping both women and crop fields with the goat hide. Far from being fearful, Roman women welcomed the touch of the hides because it was believed to make them more fertile in the coming year. Later in the day, according to legend, all the young women in the city would place their names in a big urn. The city’s bachelors would each choose a name and become paired for the year with his chosen woman. These matches often ended in marriage.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Breakfast incinerates fat

Today I’m going to reveal to you the exciting details of a breakthrough “super nutrient” so powerful it’s been shown to help struggling men and women lose fat at least TWICE as fast… and up to SIX times as fast!

Yes, you read that right, up to SIX times faster fatloss.

Can you guess what this blockbuster fat-burning nutrient is?

Believe it or not, it’s protein, but not just any protein… it’s a rare, special protein that can only be extracted from very specific foods, and I’ll be sharing exactly what it is and how you can get it today in the article below.

But first, let’s dive into the latest research on just how powerful protein can be when it comes to shrinking your waist and radically changing your body. For decades, athletes, figure models, actors and actresses, and those in the know have used protein-based meal plans to help them get into top shape. And now, science has uncovered why and how it works.

Have a look:

In a recent randomized trial, a group of German researchers, led by Dr. Marion Flechtner-Mors, found that folks consuming a high-protein diet lost over 200% as much weight as the standard-protein group despite consuming the exact same amount of calories. That’s more than TWICE the weightloss while eating the same number of calories!

In another UCLA study, researchers found that study participants consuming a high-protein diet for 12 weeks lost 77% more weight and dropped more than TWICE as much body fat than the standard protein group.

And in yet another study, overweight women consuming a high-protein diet lost THREE times more weight and over SIX times more fat than the standard-protein group despite sticking to the same amount of reduced calories yet again.

Merely substituting specialized protein calories for fat and carbohydrate calories resulted in more than SIX times the body fat loss… all without sacrificing a SINGLE CALORIE!

Now you may be curious:

Exactly how does protein create these mind-blowing improvements in body composition and accelerate weight loss… results no other nutrient on earth can deliver?

It turns out that there are several unique qualities found within protein, assuming you consume enough of it. One of those factors is called the thermic effect of feeding (TEF), or what we refer to as the thermogenic burn.

Thermogenic burn refers to the number of calories required to metabolize nutrients. When you eat carbohydrates, about 15% of the calories you consume are required to metabolize carb nutrients. That means if you eat 100 calories of bread, or fruit, or pasta, your body will use about 15 calories of energy to metabolize the food. Fat is much lower on the thermal burn scale: only 5 calories per 100 are needed to metabolize fat nutrients. That’s why high-fat, high-carb diets are a bad combination that can very easily lead to obesity.

Protein, on the other hand, is on its own metabolic planet! Protein demands up to a staggering 35 calories for every 100 calories ingested to be metabolized! That’s more than DOUBLE the calorie-burning power of carbs, and SEVEN TIMES the power of fat!

To put this in perspective, let’s say you eat 1000 calories of protein one day. Well, it really only “costs you” 650 calories because your body burns 350 calories after eating protein by cranking up your calorie-burning furnace.

This means when you eat protein you get loads of “free calories!” that only help your fat burning efforts!

But the key is the type of protein, and as research further validates, not just any protein will do…not by a long shot.  Stay tuned as I’ll be revealing the exact type of protein that you need to consume for maximum results shortly.

The question now is: “How much protein do you NEED each day to achieve all of these mind-blowing benefits?”

Well, athletes figured this out long before medical research was able to verify it. For decades, men and women who depended on keeping lower levels of body fat and more lean muscle would consume at least 1 gram of quality protein per pound of body weight. This works out to be about 35% of your daily caloric intake, the exact percentage validated by a recent breakthrough study published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.

But what does that mean in the real world… In order to get the amount of protein required, eating even high-quality protein foods, a 150-lb female would have to chow down on:

25 hard-boiled eggs…

18 glasses of milk…

Just over a pound of chicken breast…

1.3 pounds of ground beef… OR

10 cans of tuna…

... I believe you get the picture!  And it’s even worse for a male who would require even more protein!

Having said that, it’s no wonder most people struggle to get 35% of their calories from protein. And even if they mix and match these foods, the sheer amount of overall calories would make it extremely difficult to get lean and healthy at the same time.  In fact, many times people often GAIN weightwhen trying to increase their protein intake because they accidentally begin consuming too many calories while also exposing themselves to numerous “toxic”, fat-adding nutrients that I’ll go over in just a moment.

One more very important piece to this puzzle is when you should consume your protein. There are definite advantages to taking protein in after exercise, or mid-day to prevent late afternoon or evening food cravings.

However, research shows that the OPTIMAL time to consume protein… and a lot of it… is first thing in the morning. This is perhaps one of the key factors behind your past weight loss struggles: you were probably getting far too little protein to kickstart your fat-burning metabolism in the morning.
Fat boy

In a recent Tel Aviv University study, participants who consumed a protein shake containing 49 grams of protein first thing in the morning lost 145% more weight than a group consuming a normal amount of protein at breakfast.

And as fantastic as that sounds, there’s more: BOTH GROUPS ate the exact same number of calories… again!

Just note the amount consumed: roughly 50 grams. To give you perspective, that would require you to consume NINE EGGS! I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. In fact, it sounds extremely unappetizing and nearly impossible for most.

And it’s more than just “how much protein” you need—it’s the specific type of protein that’s even more important.

     Does the protein source contain the full spectrum of amino acids?  Or is it inferior, “incomplete” protein?

     Is it healthy?  Or is it loaded with hormones, artificial chemicals, and other toxins that can actually counteract your fat-burning efforts?

     Will it be easily digested and absorbed?  Or will it cause you the burden of digestive distress every time you reach for it?

Fact is, most store-bought protein sources fail miserably when asked these questions, leaving them a far cry from ideal when it comes to delivering you the fat-burning results you deserve.

As an example, traditional chickens that are not cage-free are given hormones in captivity that leak into your body when you eat chicken breast or eggs, even the whites – hormones that can wreak total havoc on YOUR hormones. And without your hormonal system working properly, you’ll find it impossible to burn fat.

What about fish? While it’s often thought to be one of the healthiest protein sources, many fish are riddled with high levels of mercury and other toxic metals that can do a number on your memory and overall health.

And as you’ve probably guessed, traditional beef is perhaps the worst of the group as virtually all grocery store beef is GMO grain-fed, instead of grass-fed as nature intended.

Then there’s plant-based proteins like soy and tofu. Not only does soy fall woefully short on protein “quality”, but soy is a known inhibitor of thyroid function.  When your thyroid is suppressed, weight loss is severely compromised.

Knowing all this, you could choose to avoid soy while opting only for 100% organic eggs, chicken, fish and beef, but this can be both inconvenient and downright expensive.  And again, the volume of food you’d need to consume of these particular protein sources each day—especially if solely relying on them to achieve the “magic” 1 gram per pound daily intake we went over previously—is impractical and borderline impossible for most.

Now, of course, I do recommend the organic versions of these foods (with the exception of soy) as part of a well-balanced fat-burning diet.  That said, it’s important to realize that in order to gain all the benefits that protein has to offer, you must adhere to these 3 Fat-burning Protein Commandments:

     1. You must take in 50 grams of protein first thing in the morning. You’ve seen how challenging that can be using typical protein foods, so we need a better solution…

     2. You must consume at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight.  Again, the challenge is the sheer quantity of food you would have to consume. Plus, the time and inconvenience of all that cooking makes this unattractive…

     3. You must avoid high levels of denatured dietary fat, toxins, hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, and other pollutants found in most store-bought protein foods.  Unfortunately, this is only possible in the context of an extremely expensive all-organic diet.

As you’ve probably surmised by now, the best option for greater weight loss, convenience, ease, and overall health, is to select a high-quality protein shake in the form of an easy-to-mix powder.

But here’s something you may not know...  The vast majority of protein supplements on the market are full of extremely cheap, denatured protein and a host of other toxic ingredients that can actually SLOW your progress instead of speeding it along.  Even worse, the protein industry is riddled with scams – shady practices that you will be downright shocked to learn as they are literally criminal…

Fact is, if you are currently taking a protein supplement, or even if you’re thinking about using one—which you should be as it is the only true, practical solution to achieving an optimal fat-burning protein intake—you’re going to want to pay very close attention to everything I’m about to share.

First, let’s talk about whey protein. Chances are great that if you’ve consumed a protein shake in the past, you’ve consumed whey protein. However, most whey protein has a “dark side” that isn’t nearly as popular for whey-only product manufacturers and retailers to talk about.

Whey, when taken alone, is difficult to absorb.  In fact, research shows that for every 40 grams of whey ingested, you are likely to excrete over half, since whey has a very narrow digestion window.  On top of that, whey alone spikes your insulin levels, which is devastating to weight loss and your overall health.

Another protein option is soy, which is known to interfere with thyroid production as we’ve already covered, not to mention that 94% of soy grown in the United States is from GMO, or Genetically Modified Organisms.

So let’s say you find a protein blend of whey and the slower acting milk protein, casein. That’s a good start… just beware of the synthetic growth hormones, rBGH and rBST, found in most commercially farmed cowsthat can lead to premature aging, greater fat storage, and mood disruptions.

Now, if you’re wondering if a particular protein product is rBGH- and rBST-free, here’s a simple way to know:

If the label doesn’t say rBGH-and rBST-free, it’s NOT!

Other proteins have tons of hidden sugars or artificial sweeteners. Often times manufacturers will hide what is essentially pure table sugar with names like dextrose, sucrose, and maltodextrin, among many others. These sugars spike insulin and blood sugar, and prime your body to store excess fat.

And the dangers of artificial sweeteners? That would take an entire video to cover in detail, but I’ll just put it to you this way: if you value your health, avoid them like the plague. Research has connected multiple artificial sweeteners to the reduction of critical antioxidants within the body and certain artificial sweeteners can even kill off the healthy probiotics in your gut, leading to a host of digestive and immune issues.

Now, before I give you the ideal solution to all of these problems, along with the exact meal plan I recommend for consistent, enjoyable and FAST weight loss, I must tell you about something criminal.  Something that’s currently under investigation by the government via a class action lawsuit.

It’s called nitrogen spiking. And unfortunately, it’s an all-too-common, extremely deceptive practice in the protein supplement industry. Independent testing with multiple brand-name proteins revealed that many protein supplements are using added ingredients to spike their protein test results when in fact the actual amount of protein contained in the product is far less than advertised.  This means a protein powder label may say it contains 20 grams of protein, but it really only contains 10 grams!  In the end, the manufacturer laughs all the way to the bank as they rob you of both your money and your results.

Another huge scam in the supplement industry is so-called time-released proteins. While a TRUE time-released protein is an absolute godsend to increase absorption and stave off hunger for hours, many protein supplements will simply add the more expensive, slower-acting proteins in micro amounts as “window dressing”.  This label loophole allows them to make an exotic time-released claim when in reality it’s just a tub of cheap protein… and of course that will not serve you in the least.

And if all of that wasn’t enough, we have to talk about taste. I can tell you first-hand as a protein connoisseur, it is RARE to find a protein formulation that tastes great… even if it’s loaded with sugar! They usually taste like chalk, or something your doctor makes you drink before surgery. Terrible!

If there’s one FACT about weight loss you can take to the bank, it’s this: if it doesn’t taste good, you’ll never stick to it. That’s why you absolutely MUST DEMAND a protein supplement that bypasses all the problems I just covered, while still tasting like a delicious desert you love and crave.

Fortunately for you, I was determined to find a solution. One with second-to-none quality, taste, digestibility and absorption, and totally free from any of these toxins or inferior proteins.

And as they say, if you want something done right… do it yourself!

You see, in addition to being a nationally published nutrition author and fitness personality, I’m also the co-founder of America’s leading premium supplement company, BioTrust Nutrition.  And as such, I had our very own elite protein powder developed with the help of our amazing team of world class dietitians and medical doctors.

The end result?  BioTrust® Low Carb™—a true, honest, and delicious premium blend of exotic proteins that solves ALL of the previously mentioned problems, and then some.

For starters, it's the best-tasting protein on the planet, period.  If you're going to be drinking protein “milkshakes” daily, you want to make sure you're using a brand that you truly enjoy and look forward to.
Fat lady

This stuff is like dessert... literally.

Beyond that, I want you to really rest easy, because BioTrust Low Carb is gluten-free, soy-free, and made with natural ingredients.  That means it contains no artificial additives, colors, flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners... at all. Instead, it's naturally sweetened with all-natural stevia extract and a naturally sweet form of fiber called inulin that adds a sizable 4 grams of fiber per 24 grams of protein.

BioTrust Low Carb is Certified Hormone-Free, sourced from cows not treated with dangerous growth hormones like rBGH and rBST (not the case for the vast majority of all other protein products).

On top of that, it's a true time-released blend of 4 different fast- and slow-acting proteins that provide your body with quality nutrition for up to 8 hours, without the insulin-spike associated with whey-protein-only products.

In fact, we transparently SHOW you on the label that our time-released protein blend is a true, equal-parts blend of four of the highest quality fast- and slow-acting milk proteins, including exotic Micellar Casein, the cream of the crop of all proteins.

And of course there is NO SOY in our formulation, or any other subpar source of protein. And you’ll be thrilled to know that there are absolutely NO GMOs in BioTrust Low Carb.

Sure, it costs us a LOT more to produce BioTrust Low Carb than these other low-quality, imposter products (including many of the popular brands that you see online and at your local vitamin or grocery store), but we’d rather deliver to you a true, honest protein blend that WORKS than to deceptively pad our profit margins at the expense of loyal customers like you.

Lastly, and perhaps one of the coolest aspects of BioTrust Low Carb, is its use of a new breakthrough natural enzyme blend called ProHydrolase® that has been shown to more than DOUBLE protein absorption over other products.

Beyond that, ProHydrolase® completely eliminates the bloating and gas that many complain of with whey protein supplements.  Instead, BioTrust Low Carb is about as easy on your GI tract as a glass of water!

And lastly, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention once again that it tastes absolutely amazing.  In fact, BioTrust Low Carb has been rated as the #1 protein for taste and quality by Fitness Professionals World-Wide, and we literally have thousands of rave reviews from customers just like you!

At this point, most readers will be extremely excited to discover how they can get their hands on the premium and delicious BioTrust Low Carb Protein Shakes… but you may be concerned that a premium product this good is going to be extremely expensive.  After all, you almost always get what you pay for in life.

Well, you will be thrilled to discover that fat-burning BioTrust Low Carb is very affordable.  In fact, our best price on BioTrust Low Carb is less than $2.50 per meal.  Hard to believe, isn’t it?  After all, you can’t even buy a fattening dollar menu meal consisting of unappetizing mystery meat, soggy fries, and a sugary soda for that low, low price.

Now let me ask you: would you be willing to invest a couple bucks for a simple, effective, and fast fat-burning “super shake” meal to help you rid yourself of all your unwanted belly fat? I bet you would. It’s such a small price to invest in feeling younger, healthier, and lighter—pocket change a day, really.

Beyond that, I will guarantee you this: if you replace high-cost groceries and dining out with 2 delicious, fat-burning BioTrust milkshakes each day, you will undoubtedly, positively, absolutely SAVE a massive amount of money by cutting down on your weekly food expenses.

So in the end, investing in BioTrust Low Carb costs you NOTHING…in fact, it SAVES you money every single day you use it…not to mention the priceless health and waist-slimming benefits you’ll experience.

And as if that weren’t enough, you’re also going to get a TON of free bonus gifts with your BioTrust Low Carb order today to make your experience even easier and more enjoyable.

     First, we’re going to GIVE you a free downloadable copy of 53 Fat Burning Smoothies & Milkshakes with your order, so you have a near-endless variety of delicious milkshakes that the entire family can enjoy!

     Next, while our limited supplies last, we’re also going to include a BioTrust Blender Bottle with any and every BioTrust Low Carb order.  With its patented wire whisk ball, you can mix and enjoy an extra-smooth and delicious shake anywhere, anytime.  This will really make taking your daily BioTrust Shakes even that much more convenient for you… just don’t delay, these will go fast as we only have a limited amount on hand.

     And lastly, I’m also going to GIVE you a FREE downloadable copy of the full and expanded version of the BioTrust Protein Power Meal Plan, showing you exactly to how incorporate BioTrust Low Carb into a daily fat-burning meal plan for second-to-none belly flattening results.  This plan shows you exactly what to eat, meal-by-meal, to burn maximum fat – no guesswork!

These three bonus gifts are valued at over $100… but they’re yours FREE when you order before the end of the day today...

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Age-accelerating hormone cortisol 6.4Xs lower!

Best yet, for one last day, we're making it EASIER than ever to get your hands on this "age-defying miracle" with HUGE discounts and FREE shipping -- all while helping you drastically reduce the belly-fat producing, age-accelerating hormone cortisol 6.4Xs lower!

Let me ask you a question:

Did you know that every single second at least one person dies from an age-related condition?  What’s more, research estimates that by the year 2020 the percentage of aging-related deaths will increase another 25%!

Just think, are you experiencing any of these telltale signs that “Father Time” is closing in on you and knocking on your door?

Age -accelerating

*Skin issues (such as dry skin, age spots, wrinkles, and saggy skin)

*Loss of sexual desire and/or sexual function

*Joint discomfort, stiffness, and/or swelling

*Weakened muscles

*Frail bones

*Memory and other cognitive issues

*Declining vision and auditory skills

*Decreased energy and increased fatigue

*A weakening immune system, leaving you sick more and more often

*An underperforming circulatory system

*A cardiovascular system that just can’t support a truly active lifestyle any longer

*Hormonal decline

*Feeling blue and moody

*Dulling, thinning hair

*Loss of muscle tone and your youthful figure

*Slowed metabolism and perpetual weight gain

And that’s just naming a few!

Even more, are these same despairs of aging disrupting your life, preventing you from doing the things and activities you love most?  Have you been sidelined due to your struggle with weakened muscles, joints and bones, reduced lung power, and/or decreased energy reserves?  And even more sobering, are you concerned about losing your freedom due to age-related vision, hearing, and seemingly inevitable mental decline?

Have the woes of aging left you feeling undesirable, unwanted, undervalued by society, or unimportant?

Fact is, these common concerns and the unescapable reality of aging are no laughing matter.  Even worse, there are a host of environmental and lifestyle factors that are constantly preying on the youth of every cell of your body:


*UV rays that damage the DNA of skin cells, leading to thinning skin, sun spots, wrinkles, exaggerated expression lines, and even pervasive dryness and itching

*Stress, which sends the age-accelerating hormone cortisol into overdrive

*Mood-related issues which have been linked to as much as a decade of accelerated aging

*Lack of sleep shown to significantly shorten the length of DNA telomeres (AKA your “cellular timekeepers”)

*Too much or too little exercise -- studies show that both the highly active and sedentary populations have similar age-related biomarkers as a result of too little or too much of a good thing

*Poor nutrition, leading to a lack of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals that fight the aging process

*Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) infiltrating our diet which have been linked to poor immune function and accelerated aging

*Excessive Omega-6 fatty acid intake – the most prevalent fatty acid in the American diet – which has been shown to accelerate aging and significantly increase inflammation

*Highly processed carbohydrates and sugar intake which promote the formation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products).  These mutated proteins have been shown to significantly accelerate cellular aging.

*Overeating in general, which produces age-accelerating free radicals

*Alcohol consumption, which decreases the body’s antioxidant activity while at the same time increasing cell-damaging free radicals – a double whammy!

*Being overweight, which by itself leads to a state of increased cell-damaging oxidative stress

*Over-the-counter and prescription medications, a good number of which have been linked to accelerated aging

*Pesticides, herbicides, pollution, and other environmental toxins have all been shown to increase the appearance of skin aging and do damage to delicate skin DNA

Simply put, the world we live in today takes what Mother Nature intended to be a much more gradual, graceful aging process full of vitality and longevity, and accelerates it unfairly beyond belief.  And when you realize the constant danger the delicate cells of your body and most precious organs are continually being exposed to in today’s day and age, it’s no wonder that research shows the devastating physical consequences of aging are the #1 fear of adults over 40.

Are you worried about…

*The nightmare of looking decades older than your actual age?

*The fear of losing your freedom due to an aging, frail and weakened body and deteriorating mental abilities?

*The dread of not being around to see your grandchildren graduate school and go on to get married?

*The fear of no longer being desired by your partner or valued by society?
Photo aging

It all sounds very overwhelming, and it is. The fortunate news, however, is that there IS something you can do about it.  Even better, the answer is found in a brand new synergistic blend of 5 research-backed age-defying “super nutrients” that we call Ageless Body™ -- a formula so powerful that it is actually able to significantly slow the aging process while at the same time:

**Rolling back up to 17 years of degenerative cellular aging!

**Combatting external “photo aging”, notably improving skin tone & elasticity, and minimizing wrinkles

**Reducing melanin (the molecule responsible for dark spots) by a whopping 30%

**Significantly increasing the hormones responsible for skin brightness and that “youthful glow”

**Drastically reducing the belly-fat producing, age-accelerating hormone cortisol 6.4Xs lower!

**Reducing sleeplessness and improving quality of sleep by 66%

**Significantly firming and tightening aged skin, especially loose skin

**Dramatically increasing feelings of wellbeing by 36Xs!

And it does it all while maintaining and significantly reducing the degradation of the most important aging biomarker ever discovered – the length of your “cellular timekeepers”, known as telomeres.

But how exactly does Ageless Body™ provide all of these incredible anti-aging, cell-rejuvenating benefits in just two small capsules, twice daily?  In order to understand that, we first have to understand WHY we age, and there are 3 major root causes…

1. Degradation of your “cellular timekeepers”, known as telomeres.  Telomeres are the “protective caps” at the end of each strand of cellular DNA that control aging.  In fact, telomeres are so critically important to aging that some within the medical community are now calling telomeres your “eternal youth genes”, and for good reason.

You see, every day the cells in your body divide as many as 2 trillion times.  Old cells die, and the body replaces them with a duplicate.  While these new cells are indeed duplicates, like a photocopied image they are slightly less perfect than the original.  What’s more, a 2009 Nobel Prize-winning discovery revealed that with each cell division, it’s the telomeres (those protective caps at the end of DNA) that are slightly degraded and over time become significantly reduced in size.  Think of the protective plastic tips at the end of your shoe laces.  When those deteriorate, the entire shoe lace unravels.  It’s the same thing with your telomeres and the delicate cells of your body.  Worse yet, as your telomeres degrade and shorten, your body ages more rapidly.

The cold, hard truth is this:  As aging accelerates, each year you live what is ultimately a lower and lower quality of life until eventually your telomeres “expire” and the inevitable happens:  you die.

But it’s not all bad news…  You see, this same breakthrough medical research also shows that if you can boost the health of your telomeres and keep them from degrading and shortening, you can dramatically slow the aging process and add many high-quality, vivacious and productive years to your life!

This means that even when your chronological age goes up, your cells stay young and vibrant!  We’ve all seen a 50 year old man or woman who doesn’t look a day past 40 and other 50 year olds who look like they could easily pass for 65.  As the old adage goes, your actual age is just a number – what’s of prime importance, however, is your cellular age, or how old (or young) your body looks, feels, performs, and functions.

The primary enzyme responsible for keeping telomeres strong, healthy and long is called telomerase.  And even better, you’ll be happy to know that all 5 ingredients in Ageless Body™ work together synergistically to supercharge telomerase production and keep your body’s cellular timekeepers—your telomeres—healthy, youthful, and full of life!

2. Progressive death over time to your body’s main “power source”, your mitochondria.  Mitochondria are the power plants of our body’s cells.  Simply put, the more energy the mitochondria produce, the younger and healthier we feel.

As we get older, however, mitochondria decrease in number, by as much as 50%!  Not only that, but the mitochondria that remain only work at 50% of their original capacity! With only half the “power lines” operating at 50% capacity, there isn’t nearly as much energy pumping to your joints, heart, brain, lungs, and immune system.  In the end, your ability to live, breathe, move, and be energetic is severely compromised.

Fortunately, Ageless Body™ was also specifically and scientifically formulated to dramatically improve mitochondria performance and function, giving you the upper hand on this seemingly unavoidable source of accelerated aging.

3. Free radical exposure and resulting oxidative damage (i.e. the “rusting” of your body’s cells).  One of the main causes of cellular aging is free radicals, also known as “oxidants”. Essentially, free radicals are energy deficient molecules who seek and destroy healthy cells, stealing their energy and livelihood.  If you’ve ever seen an apple or avocado turn brown after you cut it, or metal rust, you’ve witnessed oxidative stress at work.  This same “rusting” happens within the cells of your body when exposed to the sun (UV exposure), pollution, heavy metals, and even many positive stressors like exercise.

Bottom line, there are simply way too many oxidative villains in modern living, and unless you proactively do something to defend yourself against these youth-robbing free radicals daily, you are undeniably going to get slaughtered…

Enter anti-oxidants, AKA your “cellular bodyguards”.  These generous Good Samaritans selflessly donate their energy so that the energy of your healthy cells is spared.  In the end, your cells stay youthful, energetic, and full of vitality.  And because antioxidants are so critically important to combating the aging process, we made certain to include several of the most powerful, most effective age-defying antioxidants known to man in Ageless Body™, so be sure to stay tuned.

The bottom line is this: with progressively shortening telomeres, massive mitochondrial death, and ongoing oxidative stress being caused at such an accelerated rate by our 21st century lifestyles, it’s no wonder why the world’s population is aging faster than ever before...

Are wrinkles and age spots taking over what once was the beauty of your skin?

Does your partner no longer desire you, or may they soon not, because of the perpetual weight you’re gaining with age?

Does your vision and hearing continue to decline each year?

Is your memory fading?  Is your mind not quite as sharp as it once was?

Do you find yourself tired more often than not?

Do your joints hurt?  Are you sick often?

Do you flat out look OLD?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, I want to you to know that there IS something you can do to address and even REVERSE all 3 root causes of degenerative cellular aging, and that's exactly what Ageless Body™ does with its 5 unique, synergistic ingredients.

The first age-defying super nutrient I’m excited to share with you today is a multi-patented, highly potent form of the revolutionary eastern herb Ashawagandha known as Sensoril®.  Unlike other inferior forms of Ashawagandha, Sensoril® contains only the highest, most potent levels of stress-fighting, cognitive enhancing bioactive constituents making it the most industry-leading, highest-rated, and clinically-tested Ashawagandha extract available anywhere.

In fact, Sensoril® has been shown to combat stress, promote longevity, slow the aging process, revitalize the body, and improve feelings of wellbeing.  More specifically, in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study (the gold standard of research design) published in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, Dr. Auddy and his colleagues found that 130 middle-aged men and women supplementing with 125mg of Sensoril® daily for 60 days experienced dramatic improvements in numerous age-related biomarkers, including:

*6.5Xs lower cortisol (the stress-induced “belly fat hormone”)

*4Xs higher DHEA levels (an critical biomarker for optimal male and female sex hormone production)

*66% improvement in sleeplessness, psychological stress, and quality of sleep

*5.8Xs lower C-reactive protein levels (another key biomarker associated with inflammation and accelerated aging)

Not only that, but research shows that such a vast reduction in cortisol levels brings levels down to those of individuals at least a DECADE younger.  Talk about rolling back the clock!

Further, heightened levels of the stress hormone cortisol along with poor sleep quality have been shown to accelerate aging and the degradation of your cellular timekeepers – your DNA telomeres.  Sensoril® protects against this degradation by dramatically lowering cortisol and improving sleep, helping to keep your telomeres and the many cells of your body healthy, youthful, and full of life!

The second anti-aging nutrient stand-out I have to tell you about is the most bioavailable, absorbable turmeric extract known to man, called CurcuWIN®.  You see, the “active” anti-aging ingredient found in turmeric is known as curcumin, an extremely potent antioxidant.  In fact, curcumin has been shown to seek and destroy damaging free radicals, lower oxidative stress, slow telomere degradation, and reduce levels of numerous key biomarkers associated with accelerated aging, by as much as 93%!

But unfortunately, curcumin has very poor solubility and would require more than FORTY 250mg capsules of standard curcumin daily to obtain any of its powerful health benefits.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to take 40+ capsules of anything daily!

Enter CurcuWIN®…through a patented process this highly bioavailable turmeric extract is 46 TIMES more absorbable than regular curcumin, and nearly 6 TIMES more absorbable than any other form of turmeric/curcumin, even liquid liposomal turmeric (so don’t be misled by liquid liposomal products claiming to have the best absorption).

Not only that, but patented CurcuWIN® is free of toxins, when almost all other forms of turmeric (including liquid liposomal turmeric) contain the highly toxic solvent EDC, a known carcinogen that stays active in the body for more than 100 years!

In fact, recent research published in Integrative Medicine discovered that many turmeric/curcumin products contained as much as 1,728 TIMES MORE toxic EDC than the established the safety limit of this known cancer-causing agent!  Yikes!  But with CurcuWIN™ you get peace of mind knowing that this premium extract is completely toxin free while being 46Xs more absorbable than standard curcumin/turmeric products.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, curcumin has additionally been shown to shield skin from UV damage, increase skin elasticity, decrease pigmentation, and minimize skin wrinkling all at the same time.  Simply put, for powerful anti-aging protection both on the surface and deep within your body’s cells, don’t trust any other turmeric or curcumin product apart from Ageless Body’s CurcuWIN®.

Our third age-defying superhero included in this anti-aging all-star formula is Setria® glutathione.  You see, glutathione is considered the body’s “master antioxidant” due to its critical involvement in building the DNA and proteins that make up our entire being: our skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones, organs, many of our hormones, enzymes, and even immune cells.  But like many other important biomarkers, glutathione levels decline as we get older, having a profound negative effect on the health of virtually every cell of our bodies.

On top of that, due to its poor bioavailability the only way to previously benefit from supplemental glutathione was via intravenous administration…extremely time consuming, inconvenient, painful, and even more costly!

But with Setria® glutathione, that all changed.  You see, through a proprietary patented fermentation process, Setria® glutathione is the ONLY form of glutathione to elevate actual body stores of glutathione in humans via oral supplementation…an incredible scientific, anti-aging breakthrough!

Not only that, but Setria® glutathione has been shown to:

*Shield energy-producing mitochondria from damaging free radicals

*Effectively DOUBLE immune function and natural killer cell activity

*Reduce melanin (the molecule responsible for dark spots) by a whopping 30%

*Significantly increase the hormones responsible for skin brightness and that “youthful glow”

*Combat external “photo aging” by protecting skin collagen fibers, notably improving skin tone & elasticity, and minimizing wrinkles

And beyond all those benefits, because of its powerful detoxification properties, Setria® glutathione has been shown to protect your “eternal youth genes” by slowing the telomere shortening and degradation caused by environmental toxins, pesticides and pollution.

For the true anti-aging power of glutathione don’t fall victim to imposter glutathione supplements that have NO positive impact on actual body levels of this critically important antioxidant.  Again, Setria® Glutathione is the ONLY form of glutathione to actually elevate body stores of glutathione in humans via oral supplementation, so don’t be fooled.

Super age-defying nutrient #4 is Coenzyme Q10 (better known as CoQ10).  This all-star antioxidant is a critically important component of healthy mitochondria function, the power plants of our body’s cells.  As mentioned, the more energy the mitochondria produce, the younger and healthier we feel.

As we get older, however, mitochondria decrease in both number and efficiency, by as much as 50%, dramatically decreasing the energy pumping to your joints, heart, brain, lungs, and immune system.

Even more, the body’s levels of CoQ10 can be cut in half with age, making supplementation a must for anyone looking to maintain their mitochondrial health – one of the 3 major root causes of aging!

And of course, BioTrust uses only the most stable, most absorbable form of CoQ10 available in our Ageless Body™ formula to ensure you receive nothing less than the premium results you deserve.

And finally, the 5th premium anti-aging powerhouse in our arsenal is a unique, buffered form of Vitamin C known as Magnesium Ascorbate (MA).  This exceptional form of Vitamin C alleviates the GI distress commonly associated with significant Vitamin C intake by buffering it with magnesium – a mineral which has numerous anti-aging benefits of its own including bolstering heart health, bone health, and brain power.

Not only that, but magnesium ascorbate plays a critical role in preventing external skin damage (known as “photo aging”) via its potent antioxidant properties.  MA is essential to the formation of collagen, giving your skin stability and support, reducing wrinkles and even tightening loose skin.

Further, Vitamin C deficiency has been directly associated with shorter telomere length, while higher intakes, such as the significant levels included in Ageless Body™, are associated with longer telomeres and increased cellular health.

Simply put, unlike inferior products that only attempt to address one aspect of cellular aging with ineffective and potentially toxic ingredients, Ageless Body™ offers you triple-action age-defying results by addressing all THREE root causes of aging:

1. Significantly protecting the health and length of your “cellular timekeepers”, your DNA telomeres.  This means that even when your chronological age goes up, your cells stay young and vibrant!

2. Dramatically boosting mitochondrial function and energy productionto keep you feeling youthful, energetic, and full of vitality.

3. Unequivocally fighting free radicals and oxidative stress through the most potent antioxidants available anywhere.  These are the “cellular bodyguards” that ultimately keep you feeling AND looking young, lively, and vivacious.

In the end, the research-backed ingredients representing Ageless Body’s™ 3 unique pathways translate to ALL of these incredible benefits for you:

**Rolling back up to 17 years of degenerative cellular aging!

**Combatting external “photo aging”, notably improving skin tone & elasticity, and minimizing wrinkles

**Reducing melanin (the molecule responsible for dark spots) by a whopping 30%

**Significantly increasing the hormones responsible for skin brightness and that “youthful glow”

**Drastically reducing the belly-fat producing, age-accelerating hormone cortisol 6.4Xs lower!

**Reducing sleeplessness and improving quality of sleep by 66%

**Significantly firming and tightening aged skin, especially loose skin

**Dramatically increasing feelings of wellbeing by 36Xs!

And again, it does it all while maintaining and significantly reducing the degradation of the most important aging biomarker ever discovered – the length of your “cellular timekeepers”, your telomeres.

Even more, with Ageless Body™ you’ll say goodbye to:

*The nightmare of looking decades older than your actual age

*Skin issues (such as dry skin, age spots, wrinkles, and saggy skin)

*Decreased energy and increased fatigue

*Loss of muscle tone and your youthful figure

And ultimately, the fear of losing your freedom due to an aging, frail and weakened body and deteriorating mental abilities.

Instead, your body will feel young again, your skin will look better than it has in years, your mood will improve, your confidence will skyrocket, and you'll once again rest your head easy and sleep comfortably each night...all in just less than 20 short seconds each day.

A younger, more vibrant, more energetic and vivacious body in less than 20 seconds a day?  It really is that simple.

To begin experiencing the premium age-defying benefits of Ageless Body™ for yourself, simply click on the special link below (only available via this VIP email) and select your money saving package right now:

And of course, like with all BioTrust products, you're always protected by our industry-best 365 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, where you can get a refund of even empty bottles if for any reason you aren't satisfied -- up a full YEAR after securing your order today! 

Are we crazy?  No, we're just so incredibly confident that you will see and experience the dramatic anti-aging, skin-rejuvenating, and overall cell-reviving benefits of Ageless Body™ that we want to make it one of the easiest decisions you've ever made to try this premium formula right now before our initial lot runs out.

Again, this product is only currently available to VIP subscribers like you and today is the final day to take advantage of free shipping + up to 31% OFF on this brand new super age-defying, life-restoring supplement!  Act now to secure your savings and avoid disappointment: